Empire Engine

Empire Engine

Micro games, very small games with few components and few rules, quick to explain and to play, are a minor trend at the moment. They don’t usually keep you entertained for the whole evening, but they are nice to play a round or three while you wait for pretty much anything. Even in a waiting room or on a train, because they’re very portable. Empire Engine is a micro game by Alderac where everything is about cogs and wheels. The whole planet the game is set on is made from cogs and wheels.

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Cheaty Mages

You can trust mages to cheat. Always. Every single time. After all, what would you do with the POWER OF THE COSMOS™ at your fingertips. But using it to win Monster Rumble bets? That is pretty low. Is there nohing so low those mages won’t consider it? As it turns out: nope.

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