
So, you build engines from shiny, new metal parts? That would make you a mechanic or an engineer. You build them from bits of old engine? A game show candidate, maybe? Engines from bamboo and coconuts, you say? Why, hello there, Gilligan. You build engines from birds? Then… um… I don’t know… I guess you’re about to receive an angry visit from PETA, if not the police. You’re also a peerless genius of a mad scientist. Or you might just be playing Wingspan, an engine building game by Elizabeth Hargrave and this year’s Kennerspiel des Jahres winner.

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7 Wonders

Despite what the title implies, 7 Wonders is not a civilisation building game but a very strategic card game that only reveals it’s depth after a few plays, and then some. Enough to win awards left, right and centre. And the best part? You can play in 30 minutes!

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