Ghost Stories

Ghost Stories

Do you like the Chinese Ghost Story movies? How about cooperative games? Now roll this to things into one, how does that sound? Ghost Stories is exactly that: you defend a small village from the forces of Wu-Feng who is about to rise from the dead.

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Space Alert

Space is big. Big and empty. That’s what our science teachers told us. It’s also dead – and deadly – wrong. Wherever our exploration vessel shows up, nasty things are just waiting to blow us up. To get back in one piece, all players have to cooperate and deal with a tight time limit while the computer is yelling at them about everything going wrong.

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Monty Python Fluxx

Some people don’t like too much randomness in games. Those people better stop reading now, because we’re talking about Fluxx. Fluxx is slightly more random than getting up in the middle of the business meeting yelling “CAULIFLOWER” … while wearing a wombat suit. And this here is not just any Fluxx, iiiiiiiiit’s MontyPython’s Flying Fluxx Game!

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“Whom the gods wish to destroy, they first drive mad,” as the saying goes. Turns out, that’s not true.They just drown them and destroy their city, and in Vineta, so can you.

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Witch of Salem

The Witch of Salem is one of many board games set in Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos, and its art really makes that world come to life. Four scholars of the paranormal set out to keep the Great Old Ones imprisoned in R’lyeh. Will they succeed?

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Metropolys – easily recognised as one of Ystari’s games by the trademark Y – is an auction game with not too complex rules but some interesting scoring trade-offs. It also features a very unique and appealing artistic style.

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