Dominant Species

Dominant Species is on the upper end of long and heavy games for us – not something you unpack at the end of the gaming night, just before people go home. There is a lot of depth and a lot of detail to explore here.

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Asara, the city of spires. The Caliph has called 4 famous architects to give the city more spires, higher spires, more colourful spires. In only four years, we are to fill the city with soaring towers, but funds and workers are limited.

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Haggis the card game has about as much to do with the Scottish national dish as Tichu the Chinese card game has with China. Haggis the card game does have a whole lot to do with Tichu the card game, but with enough differences to make it an interesting game although you might know Tichu already.

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Just when you thought that every way to play with cards had been published somewhere already, along comes a game like Innovation. With some – dare I use the word – innovative game mechanics and many ways to make sabotage your opponents’ strategy, you probably haven’t played a card game quite like this one before.

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Leaping Lemmings

If there’s anything everyone knows about Lemmings, it’s that they have suicidal tendencies and enjoy the occasional long walk towards a short cliff. That’s what six scientists thought when making a bet about whose lemmings would leap further. Initially, the rodents proved more sane than the scientists in question, but a few generations of genetic tampering later, the Lemmings were happily leaping. Or being eaten by eagles, dead is dead.

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Dixit 2

Sometimes, game expansion are best when they change nothing at all. If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it, as they say.
Is this nugget of wisdom true for Dixit 2?

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Mord im Arosa

Mord im Arosa is a very, very unusual mystery game. There is no deduction element at all and neither are you supposed to hide your identity. Instead, the whole game is about listening where the clue cubes land in the tower when they are dropped in.
Unusual? Yes. Fun? Find out.

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Forbidden Island

Thousands of years ago, the Archaean empire was at the height of its power. They created four artefacts that could control the very elements. But power, as everyone learns sooner or later, is no guarantee for survival. And so it is, a long time later, a small group of modern-day adventurers that set out to retrieve the legendary treasures from the Forbidden Island.

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Crows is a game about crows. And shiny objects. It’s a game that has crow meeple, and many chances to screw your opponents out of points they thought were safe already. It’s also a game that has crow meeple, did I mention that?

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