Ticket to Ride

Ticket to Ride (here in the German edition “Zug um Zug”) has become a classic in the few years since it was first released. It spawned many variants that play on different maps and add new mechanics.

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Ad Astra

Ad Astra is not quite a board game, it skips the concept of a game board and makes the table top the playing area. There is some mechanics from Settlers of Catan there, some from Puerto Rico and a bit from Robo Rally, all combined to a delicious mix

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Year2009PublisherRavensburgerAuthorStefan FeldPlayers2 – 5Age12 – 199Time90StrategyLuckInteractionComponents & DesignComplexityScore [pullshow]In 1557, the Portuguese first gained the right for permanent settlement on the[…]

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Der Feuersalamander

In Nostalgia, we present games that we played back when we were kids – no, that does not mean they use bones for dice, but thanks for the nice thought. Today’s pick from the treasure chest was first published in 1988, before European games were sold outside of Europe. Thus, it was never translated and only goes by the german name of “Der Feuersalamander”.

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Once again, the world is in dire need of saving. But this time it is not dragons, space aliens or even the other players around the table that it needs saving from. It’s diseases – plural.

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