7 Wonders: Babel

7 Wonders: Babel

7 Wonders is still one of the most popular games out there. Simple rules, quick to play even with 7 players, different every time you play. It’s no wonder the expansions keep coming. They might not necessarily improve the game, just because it’s very good already, but they add enough to keep 7 Wonders interesting even after many, many games played. Babel is the latest expansion, and the one that changes the game the most yet.

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Panic in Meeple City. Giant monsters are converging on the city, and it doesn’t look like anyone is going to stop them. Within minutes they start throwing cars, tearing down buildings and … MUNCHING MEEPLES!
Will there be a happy ending for anyone?

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A very unique card game in more than one way. You’re not only holding your cards the wrong way around, you’ll also be thinking about how you communicate in completely new ways. That’s not bad for a game that only takes 25 cards in the right order to win.

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