Odyssey - Wrath of Poseidon

Odyssey -Wrath of Poseidon

Nothing is easy when the gods are against you. Especially not getting home across the sea when the god in question is Poseidon. And even less when Poseidon is a friend from whom you just stole the last piece of pizza. That’s the setup of Odyssey – Wrath of Poseidon: up four players are Greek navigators on their way home, one player is Poseidon who feels slighted by the Greek’s victory at Troy. Together, they play an asymmetric deduction game.

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This week, we’re going on another trip to the past, specifically to 1988. Also to Venice. Incognito won the award for most beautiful game at the Spiel des Jahres awards that year, and it’s well deserved: it’s one of the prettiest deduction games I’ve ever seen, with all custom components. And it’s a clever game as well.

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