10 Minute Heist: The Wizard’s Tower

The night is moonless and cloudy, entirely dark except for a faint, multi-hued glow from the wizards tower. The night is also silent, except for the almost inaudible, metallic noise of thieves screwing pitons into ancient masonry. Wait! Thieves? Why, yes. That would be you.

The two to five players in 10 Minute Heist: The Wizard’s Tower are thieves breaking into the tower of wizard Alazar, collector and protector of rare and dangerous magical items. But that old sorcerer has vanished and for once has gone away. A perfect opportunity.

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Kennerspiel des Jahres 2017

Kennerspiel des Jahres 2017

As we mentioned yesterday, it’s Spiel des Jahres season. We all know what that means, of course. The three Spiel des Jahres awards are still among the most prestigious in the world, and winning them is still a big deal. We already presented the nominees and jury’s recommendation for the Spiel des Jahres award yesterday, today we’ll have a look at the Kennerspiel. Without any further ado, here we go.

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Eight-Minute Empire

Even the most insane, megalomanic despot will usually plan for a few months of war to conquer the whole world. Eight minutes is optimistic, to say the least. But that’s exactly what you’re going to do in Eight-Minute Empire: carve your name into the world, in mile high letter, in eight to twenty minutes. That’s shorter than your court-appointed painter will take to paint your regal countenance.

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