ThunderGryph Games It’s not only about having workers, it’s about having workers qualified to do the job, and about helping[…]
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ThunderGryph Games It’s not only about having workers, it’s about having workers qualified to do the job, and about helping[…]
Read moreBoardcubator Project L by Boardcubator is a fun mix of mechanisms. It’s a puzzle game with similarities to Ubungo where[…]
Read moreMindclash Games Between Trickerion and Cerebria we’ve learned to really pay attention when Mindclash Games have a new game coming.[…]
Read moreFriedemann Friese wants us to build a utopia. Not the kind where we all have jet packs and go to the moon for brunch, but a more achievable kind. The kind of utopia where we all have enough food and energy and can spend our days doing things we enjoy, not at a job that is slowly but inevitably draining my will to live, where every hour makes me long for the sweet embrace of the grave, where the only way anything will ever change is for the worse… sorry, what was I talking about?
Oh yeah, Futuropia. Even that small kind of utopia doesn’t come for free, initially. Someone has to make it work first. Your mission, should you choose to accept it: build a condominium that produces its own food and energy and where all the work is done by robots.
Fantasy Flight Games What makes all the Cosmic Encounter editions and expansions fun to play over and over is there[…]
Read moreAgie Games Let’s start this week’s boardgame news with something peaceful, like gardening. In Agie Games’ Botanists that’s what you’ll[…]
Read moreRenegade Game Studios / Dire Wolf Digital / Penny Arcade Isn’t it just the greatest when a few things you[…]
Read moreFantasy Flight Games Let’s face it, the combat system is rarely the most interesting part of a boardgame. Fantasy Flight’s[…]
Read moreRenegade Game Studios Renegade Game Studios will make the quick, quirky dice game Bubble Tea, originally by Taiwanese (?) publisher[…]
Read moreRio Grande Games The second expansion for Roll for the Galaxy, the dice game adaptation of Race for the Galaxy,[…]
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