Another game based on a TV series, and this one’s a series I love, too: Castle, a crime series with Nathan Filion as a bestselling crime author who weasels his way into the New York Police and solves crimes with them. Great fun. Unfortunately, what I can see from Castle: The Detective Card Game does not measure up. It’s going to be a set collection game, followed by a random chance that your suspect was the killer.
Plaid Hat Games
A lot has been said about the gang wars in City of Remnants, but other gangs might not be your biggest problem. You are, after all, on a prison planet, and prisons have wardens. The Yugai are not some abstract threat in a distant administration building, their patrols come down to mess up your tidy, little empire. Every round, some patrols land, and if you can’t avoid them, you have two options: either you fight them – not a good option – or you bribe them – not your preferred option, either.
Fantasy Flight Games
Did you ever find yourself thinking that Descent: Journeys in the Dark really needed another deck of cards? Yeah, me neither. But this one from Lair of the Wyrm sounds like a neat addition: secret rooms. They can come up any time you draw from the search deck and contain just what you’d expect: challenges to kill you and piles of treasure if they don’t.
In Legends of Andor, the main purpose of your quest is to defeat the monsters marching on the castle, but with all the previews we had so far, none told us how to do that. But here it comes now, the rules of engagement against the monsters of Andor.
Gale Force 9
Gladiator fights, intrigue, blood and full frontal and lateral nudity. Sounds familiar? You must have watched Spartacus on TV, then. The boardgame has all that minus the nudity, but I think it makes up for it with more intrigue and blood. The title Spartacus: A Game of Blood and Treachery does give it away a little. Now, to have more treachery and some more blood, the first expansion is coming. Spartacus: The Serpents and the Wolf brings two new houses into play, with new special abilities, sending new gladiators into the arena.
The photo of the week shows a part of the gardens of Versailles, the famous palace of the French kings. It was taken by Renata Barros and shared with a CC-BY license. Thanks a lot, Renata!