

Village is a medieval countryside life simulator. Only it cuts away the boring 99% of it and lets you make the decisions that shape your fameeply’s lives. Should the new kid learn a craft? Go into politics? Maybe go and see the world. Everything is possible, and everything might earn you a spot in the village chronice – or in an unmarked grave.

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Final Frontier

Expensive game components, the final frontier for board game publisher. These are the games of Victory Point Games. Their continuing mission: to bring you new games, to seek out new authors, new genres, to boldly ship their games in a ziploc bag.
You guessed it, Final Frontier is a science fiction game that keeps referencing a certain TV series. But is a good theme and paper components in a ziploc game enough to make a great game?

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Mountaineering is not much used as a theme in boardgames. After trying K2, I really wonder why because it’s tense, exciting and deadly. There are no empty moves here, every turn has important decisions. A worthy nominee for Kennerspiel des Jahres 2012?

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Race for the Galaxy

Race for the Galaxy

Not the newest game we reviewed recently, Race for the Galaxy was first published in 2007. It’s still a very good and popular game, though and with the new expansion Alien Artifacts coming later this year now is a good time to have a look at it.

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The Sahara desert. Wide, open spaces. You can travel for days without meeting another soul. So why is it that, when playing Targi, there are always people standing where I want to go? Always. Every single turn. But they are complaining about the same thing, so it’s perfectly balanced.

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