Brookspun Games To avoid confusion lets first talk about what Legacies isn’t. It is not a Legacy game. You won’t[…]
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Meople News: The Hour of Arkham X
Dog Might Games Ancient cultures were obsessed with mazes and labyrinths in all shapes and sizes, but at least in[…]
Read moreMeople News: Sovereign of the Bridge
Puzzling Pixel Games “Stroll and write game” is a clever pun on the recently reemerging roll-and-write genre of games. The[…]
Read moreMeople News: Fake, Silent Stars
Van Ryder Games Gumshoes get more work in Detective: Smoke and Mirrors, the new expansion to Van Ryder Games’ Detective:[…]
Read moreMeople News: The Lying Tiles of Yedo
Game Brewer Andreas Steding’s Gùgong was a fresh breeze in the worker placement genre last year, all through the magic[…]
Read moreMeople News: Caribbean Catacomb Hopping
Elzra Games Elzra Games, makers of dexterity dungeon crawl game Catacombs, are expanding beyond disc flicking games with their new[…]
Read moreMeople News: The Slowest Flowers
Agie Games Let’s start this week’s boardgame news with something peaceful, like gardening. In Agie Games’ Botanists that’s what you’ll[…]
Read moreMeople News: Silence in Penguin Casino
Iello King of Tokyo is a game that keeps going, mostly thanks to its great theme of monsters destroying Tokyo.[…]
Read moreMeople News: Very long and not obscure
Renegade Game Studios / Dire Wolf Digital / Penny Arcade Isn’t it just the greatest when a few things you[…]
Read moreMeople News: Delirium Drinks
The Spiel des Jahres winners have been announced. Spiel des Jahres is the cooperative word game Just One by Ludovic[…]
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