Fantasy Flight is teasing us this week with the fact that Lord of the Rings: The Card Game is playable solo. I’m not a big fan of solo board games myself, but having more options how to play can never be a bad thing.
Steve Jackson Games does more of what Steve Jackson Games does most: Munchkin. Munchkin Zombies is a long long overdue new setting for the popular (and growing faster than the peppermint in my garden) series, first released this weekend. More unexpected but no less welcome is the announcement of Munchkin Axe Cop. For those of you who don’t know Axe Cop (just like me until 2 months ago), Axe Cop is a comic about an axe wielding cop created by the brothers Ethan and Malachai Nicolle. The special part? Malachai Nicolle, the story writer of the duo, was five years old when the series started in 2009.
Mecca is the newly published game by Nestorgames, an abstract looking game about placing as many pilgrims as you can inside the mosque for prayer.
Since last weeks art by Miguel Coimbra was so popular and since 7 Wonders is one the most popular games of the season, here is some more art goodness. If only all games were that pretty.
From Tasty Minstel Games (I’m guessing they do sauce bernaise. Minstrels are most tasty in bernaise) comes this promotion video for their party word game Train of Thought. Can’t have been easy to come up with a new angle on this genre, but it looks fun. If only my luck with cards and dice was better. I’ll likely end up having to describe kabuki using the word lettuce …
This weeks breathtaking photo of the sunrise reflected under Elgeseter Bridge at Trondheim, Norway was taken by Eirik Refsdal and shared under the Creative Commons Attribution license. The original photo is here, and thank you Eirik.