Race for the Galaxy

Race for the Galaxy

Not the newest game we reviewed recently, Race for the Galaxy was first published in 2007. It’s still a very good and popular game, though and with the new expansion Alien Artifacts coming later this year now is a good time to have a look at it.

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The Sahara desert. Wide, open spaces. You can travel for days without meeting another soul. So why is it that, when playing Targi, there are always people standing where I want to go? Always. Every single turn. But they are complaining about the same thing, so it’s perfectly balanced.

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Eselsbrücke is one of this year’s nominees for the Spiel des Jahres award. It’s a memory game with a fun mechanic, and really quite taxing for your memory. But is that enough to win the prestigous award?

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Gamers vs Evil

Penny Arcade: Gamers vs. Evil

Penny Arcade is a name that you simply can’t get around when looking into computer games on the Internet. It’s one of the most famous webcomics ever. After computer games, conventions and god knows what else, they are also breaking into board and card games. Or are they just selling their name to make their fanbase buy a bad game?

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