
Asara, the city of spires. The Caliph has called 4 famous architects to give the city more spires, higher spires, more colourful spires. In only four years, we are to fill the city with soaring towers, but funds and workers are limited.

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Haggis the card game has about as much to do with the Scottish national dish as Tichu the Chinese card game has with China. Haggis the card game does have a whole lot to do with Tichu the card game, but with enough differences to make it an interesting game although you might know Tichu already.

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Qwirkle is one of those incredibly easy games. You explain it in about five minutes. Even on their first game, new players can grasp the strategy. Nevertheless, Qwirkle is a game that requires some thought – a combination that often doesn’t work out.

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