Hello and welcome to another weekly news, now back to its Sunday spot. In this news, my utter inability to type straight combined with Firefox’s automatic correction created the word “memecenary”. By the sound of it, a memecenary is someone who spreads internet memes for money, a job that has been needing a name for some time. Never mind me being sidetracked here, have some news:
The rules for Philippe Keyaerts Olympos are available at Ystari now. Olympos is a game of conquest, discovery and development where multiple tribes compete for the favour of the gods and control over ancient Greece. It offers many different routes to victory and comes with an interesting take on turn order.
Philippe Keyaerts is having a successful week: Days of Wonder announced the sequel for his successful Small Worlds: Small Worlds Undergrounds for June. For those that didn’t hear about Small Worlds, it’s another game of territory conquest. The twist here is that when your fantasy race’s success is waning, you switch to a new race and start conquering anew. Small Worlds Underground is a stand-alone game – not an expansion – with all new races, special abilities and some new mechanics like neutral monsters and relics.
The weekly Fantasy Flight news flurry didn’t slow down this week, either. We’re being treated to another look into Shards of the Throne (Corey Konieczka), the upcoming Twilight Imperium expansion. This time, we see the military innovations: mechanised units, mercenaries and each race’s individual flagship. Still from Corey, we also get another update on Rune Age, and it also explains combat there.
Still in May, Matagot will release Ludovic Maublanc’s and Bruno Faidutti’s Double Agent, a fast and light bluffing game set in the world of espionage for the highest bidder.
This weeks photo of Ouro Preto in Minas Gerais, Brazil was taken by Jay Woodworth and shared as CC-BY. Thank you, Jay! You can see the original here.