
Kingpin is a two-player strategy game about crime syndicates at war: with limited time, space and people you try to overrun the enemy’s HQ or take control of the central No Man’s Land. It’s not as easy as it sounds, there is more thinking involved than you might expect.

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Monty Python Fluxx

Some people don’t like too much randomness in games. Those people better stop reading now, because we’re talking about Fluxx. Fluxx is slightly more random than getting up in the middle of the business meeting yelling “CAULIFLOWER” … while wearing a wombat suit. And this here is not just any Fluxx, iiiiiiiiit’s MontyPython’s Flying Fluxx Game!

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Pandemic: On The Brink

Is fighting the same old diseases getting boring? Saving mankind is just another job for you, and you’re looking for a new challenge? Better get your doctor’s bag ready and your syringe disinfected, because humanity is on the brink of destruction, threatened by virulent diseases, mutation and terrorism.

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Identik advertises itself as “the drawing game for people who can’t draw”. Given my innate artistic ability, I consider that a challenge. Turn out that it actually works: in this hectic party style game, if you can manage stick figures, you can do well. Provided you get obscure details like the number of ears in the picture or the size of the sun right.

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