A bit late, but everything in here is fresh enough to be considered news. Sometimes, playing games all weekend just takes precedence over writing about them.
In April, Bugs & Co should be available from Asmodee. In this very quick and (theoretically) easy game by Bruno Faidutti, Thomas Vuarchex and Pierrick Yakovenko all you have to do is collect set of three identical bugs out of a ton of very similar ones. Without ever checking back on what you caught already.
At Fantasy Flight, Mansion of Madness is now available after months of teasing. Surviving Arkham Horrorwill be much harder with the Miskatonic Horror expansion and it’s new cards for the Dunwich Horror expansion – remember, Miskatonic Horror expands the expansions for Arkham Horror. And where one way to tease us is gone with the Mansion of Madness release, another one promptly takes its place: Rune Age is the upcoming deck building game from Fantasy Flight. While deck building is not the most original idea since Dominion made the genre popular, but the inclusion of different scenarios and even including a cooperative variant may make this worth a closer look.
We talked about Yggdrasil by Ludonaute just a short while ago, and now it’s finished. This coop game casts the player as the Norse gods, fighting back the forces of Ragnarok from the walls of Valhalla.
And, while not quite news about the game, this blog post by Miguel Coimbra shows his art for the upcoming Cargo Noir, and these illustrations are definitely worth a mention in the news. Enjoy.
Our header image for this week was taken by Tatiana Gerus and shows the only relatively recently finished St. John’s Cathedral in Brisbane, Australia. Thank you Tatiana for sharing this photo.