Pandemic: On The Brink

Is fighting the same old diseases getting boring? Saving mankind is just another job for you, and you’re looking for a new challenge? Better get your doctor’s bag ready and your syringe disinfected, because humanity is on the brink of destruction, threatened by virulent diseases, mutation and terrorism.

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Identik advertises itself as “the drawing game for people who can’t draw”. Given my innate artistic ability, I consider that a challenge. Turn out that it actually works: in this hectic party style game, if you can manage stick figures, you can do well. Provided you get obscure details like the number of ears in the picture or the size of the sun right.

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Forbidden Island

Thousands of years ago, the Archaean empire was at the height of its power. They created four artefacts that could control the very elements. But power, as everyone learns sooner or later, is no guarantee for survival. And so it is, a long time later, a small group of modern-day adventurers that set out to retrieve the legendary treasures from the Forbidden Island.

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“Whom the gods wish to destroy, they first drive mad,” as the saying goes. Turns out, that’s not true.They just drown them and destroy their city, and in Vineta, so can you.

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